8 dec. 2022
High-resolution synchrotron XRD analysis for more damage-tolerant bearing steel

Scatterin AB has left behind an exciting Autumn. We are happy to work on a wide range of materials using the world’s most powerful microscopes and deliver cutting-edge materials analysis results to companies in different industries.
We were excited to partner with the leading European manufacturer of engineering steel, Ovako Group. We provided final high-resolution synchrotron XRD analysis results using a microbeam to map the bearing component structure to facilitate innovation efforts for more damage-tolerant bearing steel.
Group Technical Specialist at Ovako Group, Steve Ooi said:
“I am very impressed with their knowledge. They are competent in both data analysis in the XRD technique and physical metallurgy. Our collaboration went very well, and the analysed data from our synchrotron work was timely delivered”.
Thank you for the great partnership: Steve Ooi and Tania Loaiza Uribe of Ovako.
In 2023, we look forward to contributing further to the transition towards rapid green materials and process innovations using neutron and synchrotron X-ray facilities.
If you want to know more about Scatterin's methodology and how neutron and synchrotron X-ray techniques create value for your company, you can reach our CEO Ahmet Bahadır Yıldız (ahmet@scatterin.com) or CSO Peter Hedström (peter@scatterin.com).
We would like to thank Ulrich Lienert, Malte Blankenburg and Zoltan Hegedus of P21 Swedish Materials Science Beamline and Uwe Sassenberg, Oliver Wendt and Djamschid Safi of DESY for excellent infrastructure and support.
A part of our experiments performed in Autumn was supported within the LIGHTer - a strategic innovation programme jointly funded by Vinnova, Swedish Energy Agency and Formas, a Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development; and LEAPS - League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources (TamaTA-INNOV) project funded by the EU´s H2020 research and innovation programme.