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Introducing “online analysis”: Real-time analysis of synchrotron X-ray data during data acquisition

1 juli 2024

Analysis of synchrotron X-ray data using Scatterin SaaS during beamtime provides immediate feedback and enables instant decisions on experiment parameters. This means shorter time to results and increased efficiency in beamtime use.
Explore the article on our proof-of-concept online analysis tests at P07 The High Energy Materials Science Beamline in DESY using our cloud software with currently 2 pattern/second analysis speed.

On June 16th, at Petra III synchrotron DESY at P07 The High Energy Materials Science Beamline, our synchrotron expert Malte Blankenburg and CEO Ahmet Bahadir Yildiz for the first time tested Scatterin SaaS online data analysis engine for phase quantification during in-situ heat treatments of steel specimens.

Analysis of synchrotron X-ray data using Scatterin SaaS during beamtime provides immediate feedback and enables instant decisions on experiment parameters. This means shorter time to results and increased efficiency in beamtime use.

Figure: Scatterin SaaS graphical user interface for continuous automated analysis pipeline.

Here are some thoughts from our team members about the proof-of-concept online analysis tests.

Data Scientist, Emil Österberg :

We spend significant efforts on developing pipelines for various steps of synchrotron X-ray data analysis. I am glad to see our analysis pipeline first time in practice and that we could visualize the phase quantification results real-time. Our algorithms perform well on large data sets involving dynamic evolution of patters, in this case in-situ heat treatment at elevated temperatures. By regularly challenging each other and thinking outside the box, we will continue to develop innovative solutions.

Software Developer, Casper Kristiansson:

By developing an online analysis pipeline for wide-angle scattering, we enabled real-time feedback from over 4000 data files during the experiments. This allows for immediate azimuthal integration, peak profile analysis, phase quantification, and visualization of results with currently 2 pattern/second analysis speed. Looking forward, we aim to develop our software further to support even more complex industrial tasks!

CEO, Ahmet Bahadır Yıldız:

I am proud of our team. It was an important first step for us to perform proof-of-concept online analysis tests at P07 using our cloud software. We delivered initial results of in-situ experiments the same day. We are building a software platform to become the prime choice for data analysis for small- and wide-angle scattering analysis of engineering materials. Long way to go: Guided by collaborations with industry, facilities, academia, and research institutes, we will continue to develop new algorithms with increased efficiency for real industrial tasks.

If you want to know more about Scatterin’s data analysis technology, you can reach our Business Developer Markus Holmström (, CEO Ahmet Bahadır Yıldız ( or CSO Peter Hedström (

We would like to thank Andreas Stark of P07 The High Energy Materials Science Beamline HEMS at PETRA III, DESY , in Hamburg and Marc Thiry of Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon for excellent infrastructure and support.

Special thanks to Vinnova for funding our data analysis algorithm development efforts within the Emerging Technology Solutions and LIGHTer - a strategic innovation programme programs.

Photo: Our synchrotron expert Malte Blankenburg with CEO Ahmet Bahadir Yildiz during beamtime testing Scatterin SaaS online analysis engine.

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